1st Contact Discos

Most functions are one-off's, so you want to make sure you get it right. These tips are in no particular order of importance, but all should be considered. 

First, before you even contact a mobile disco company, it's vital that you don't have your mind on hiring the cheapest you can find. As in most things, you generally get what you pay for. Especially with a one off event like a wedding, don't you want the very best you can possibly afford?

Let's face it, in a week or two, most of your guests will remember what food they had, what the flowers looked like, how great the cake looked or how the room was decorated... But ask them if they had fun, and I'll bet they'll remember, and who do you think carries the can for that? Damn right, the DJ. 

If you're paying £300 plus for the wedding cake, god knows how much on flowers etc., why would you expect to pay less than a few hundred quid for a professional DJ? 

P.A.T. stands for portable appliance test and any business using portable electrical equipment needs to have all gear tested. Again this is a legal requirement and they should carry certificates proving all P.A.T. documentation is up to date.

Ok, this one might seem obvious, but make sure the company you're dealing with confirms everything in writing and that they have a written Booking Agreement for you to sign. The Booking Agreement should lay out all details of the function - date, venue, times, overtime rates etc. This Agreement is to protect both the company and the customer and should not be heavily biased in any one party's favour.

When someone calls 1st Contact Discos, they are talking to me, and it's me that will be turning up. I don't sub-contract work out to other DJ's. I won't take the booking and act as an agent. How many shows does the company send out on any one night? 

If a company sends out 4 shows on a particular Saturday night, there's a 75% chance you won't get the DJ you spoke to when booking. If you need a gas engineer, legally they have to be GAS SAFE registered to do any work, there is no such legal body set up to protect you when hiring a DJ, so when dealing with a company that have multiple shows, how do you know the guy that turns up is going to be suitable? Answer, you don't!

Ok, some very quick things to bear in mind...
  • Does the person you're speaking with seem enthusiastic and knowledgeable about their work?
  • Do they appear to be listening attentively to your requirements and asking appropriate questions?
  • Do you get good vibes from the company? In closing, please do not skimp on price... Any professional who meets all the above criteria won't come cheap, and I wouldn't hire them if they did. Price can depend on location, but don't expect to pay less than £295 for a 4 to 5 hour show. Any less than £295 and I'd be seriously concerned that they weren't entirely legal. It costs a lot of money to keep a mobile disco on the road - I have to make at least £10,000 a year before I break even, and there's nothing extraordinary in my accounts.

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